Installing and Running the Development VersionΒΆ

The contrib/devstack directory contains the files necessary to integrate Murano with Devstack.

  1. Follow Devstack documentation to setup a host for Devstack. Then clone Devstack source code.

  2. Copy Murano integration scripts to Devstack either by setting environment variable or providing complete path to devstack directory. Below one is using environment variable:

    $ export DEVSTACK_DIR=<complete path to devstack directory(clonned)>
    $ cp lib/murano ${DEVSTACK_DIR}/lib
    $ cp lib/murano-dashboard ${DEVSTACK_DIR}/lib
    $ cp extras.d/ ${DEVSTACK_DIR}/extras.d
  3. Create a localrc file as input to devstack.

  4. The Murano, Neutron and Heat services are not enabled by default, so they must be enabled in localrc before running This example localrc file shows all of the settings required for Murano:

    # Enable Neutron
    # Enable Heat
    enable_service heat h-api h-api-cfn h-api-cw h-eng
    # Enable Murano
    enable_service murano murano-api murano-engine
  5. Deploy your OpenStack Cloud with Murano:

    $ ./

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