.. Copyright 2014 Mirantis, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. .. _core_library: ===================== MuranoPL Core Library ===================== Some objects and actions could be used in several application deployments. All common parts are grouped into MuranoPL libraries. Murano core library is a set of classes needed in every deployment. Class names from core library could be used in the application definitions. This library is located under the `meta `_ directory. The following classes are included into the Murano core library: **io.murano:** - :ref:`Object` - :ref:`Application` - :ref:`SecurityGroupManager` - :ref:`Environment` **io.murano.resources:** - :ref:`Instance` :ref:`Resources `: - Agent-v1.template - Agent-v2.template - linux-init.sh - windows-init.sh - :ref:`Network` **io.murano.lib.networks.neutron:** - :ref:`NewNetwork` .. _Object: Class: Object ============= Parent class for all MuranoPL classes, which implements initialize method, and setAttr and getAttr methods, which are defined in the pythonic part of the Object class. All MuranoPL classes are implicitly inherited from this class. .. _Application: Class: Application ================== Defines application itself. All custom applications should be derived from this class. Has two properties: .. code-block:: yaml Namespaces: =: io.murano Name: Application Workflow: reportDeployed: Arguments: - title: Contract: $.string() Default: null - unitCount: Contract: $.int() Default: null Body: - $this.find(Environment).instanceNotifier.trackApplication($this, $title, $unitCount) reportDestroyed: Body: - $this.find(Environment).instanceNotifier.untrackApplication($this) .. _SecurityGroupManager: Class: SecurityGroupManager =========================== Manages security groups during application deployment. .. code-block:: yaml Namespaces: =: io.murano.system std: io.murano Name: SecurityGroupManager Properties: environment: Contract: $.class(std:Environment).notNull() defaultGroupName: Contract: $.string() Usage: Runtime Default: format('MuranoSecurityGroup-{0}', $.environment.name) Workflow: addGroupIngress: Arguments: - rules: Contract: - FromPort: $.int().notNull() ToPort: $.int().notNull() IpProtocol: $.string().notNull() External: $.bool().notNull() - groupName: Contract: $.string().notNull() Default: $this.defaultGroupName Body: - $ext_keys: true: ext_key: remote_ip_prefix ext_val: '' false: ext_key: remote_mode ext_val: remote_group_id - $stack: $.environment.stack - $template: Resources: $groupName: Type: 'OS::Neutron::SecurityGroup' Properties: description: format('Composite security group of Murano environment {0}', $.environment.name) rules: - port_range_min: null port_range_max: null protocol: icmp remote_ip_prefix: '' - $.environment.stack.updateTemplate($template) - $ingress: $rules.select(dict( port_range_min => $.FromPort, port_range_max => $.ToPort, protocol => $.IpProtocol, $ext_keys.get($.External).ext_key => $ext_keys.get($.External).ext_val )) - $template: Resources: $groupName: Type: 'OS::Neutron::SecurityGroup' Properties: rules: $ingress - $.environment.stack.updateTemplate($template) .. _Environment: Class: Environment ================== Defines an Environment in terms of deployments process. Groups all the Applications and their related infrastructure, able to deploy them at once. Environments is intent to group applications to manage them easily. - *name* - an environment name - *applications* - list of applications belonging to an environment - *agentListener* - property containing a ' :ref:`io.murano.system.AgentListener` object, which may be used to interact with Murano Agent - *stack* - a property containing a HeatStack object which may be used to interact with the Heat Service - *instanceNotifier* - a property containing a :ref:`io.murano.system.InstanceNotifier` which may be used to keep track of the amount of deployed instances - *defaultNetworks* - a property containing user-defined Networks (:ref:`io.murano.resources.Network `), which may be used as the default networks for the Instances in this environment - *securityGroupManager*- a property containing a :ref:`SecurityGroupManager ` object, which may be used to construct a security group associated with this environment .. code-block:: yaml Namespaces: =: io.murano res: io.murano.resources sys: io.murano.system Name: Environment Properties: name: Contract: $.string().notNull() applications: Contract: [$.class(Application).owned().notNull()] agentListener: Contract: $.class(sys:AgentListener) Usage: Runtime stack: Contract: $.class(sys:HeatStack) Usage: Runtime instanceNotifier: Contract: $.class(sys:InstanceNotifier) Usage: Runtime defaultNetworks: Contract: environment: $.class(res:Network) flat: $.class(res:Network) Usage: In securityGroupManager: Contract: $.class(sys:SecurityGroupManager) Usage: Runtime Workflow: initialize: Body: - $this.agentListener: new(sys:AgentListener, name => $.name) - $this.stack: new(sys:HeatStack, name => $.name) - $this.instanceNotifier: new(sys:InstanceNotifier, environment => $this) - $this.reporter: new(sys:StatusReporter, environment => $this) - $this.securityGroupManager: new(sys:SecurityGroupManager, environment => $this) deploy: Body: - $.agentListener.start() - If: len($.applications) = 0 Then: - $.stack.delete() Else: - $.applications.pselect($.deploy()) - $.agentListener.stop() .. _Instance: Class: Instance =============== Defines virtual machine parameters and manage instance lifecycle: spawning, deploying, joining to the network, applying security group and destroying. - *name* - instance name - *flavor* - instance flavor, defining virtual machine 'hardware' parameters - *image* - instance image, defining operation system - *keyname* - key pair name, used to make connect easily to the instance; optional - *agent* - configures interaction with Murano Agent using :ref:`MuranoPL system class ` - *ipAddresses* - list of all IP addresses, assigned to an instance - *networks* - configures type of networks, to which instance will be joined. Custom networks, that extends :ref:`Network class ` could be specified and an instance will be connected to them and for a default environment network or flat network if corresponding values are set to true; without additional configurations, instance will be joined to the default network that are set in the current environment. - *assignFloatingIp* - determines, if floating IP need to be assigned to an instance, default is false - *floatingIpAddress* - IP addresses, assigned to an instance after an application deployment - *securityGroupName* - security group, to which instance will be joined, could be set; optional .. code-block:: yaml Namespaces: =: io.murano.resources std: io.murano sys: io.murano.system Name: Instance Properties: name: Contract: $.string().notNull() flavor: Contract: $.string().notNull() image: Contract: $.string().notNull() keyname: Contract: $.string() Default: null agent: Contract: $.class(sys:Agent) Usage: Runtime ipAddresses: Contract: [$.string()] Usage: Out networks: Contract: useEnvironmentNetwork: $.bool().notNull() useFlatNetwork: $.bool().notNull() customNetworks: [$.class(Network).notNull()] Default: useEnvironmentNetwork: true useFlatNetwork: false customNetworks: [] assignFloatingIp: Contract: $.bool().notNull() Default: false floatingIpAddress: Contract: $.string() Usage: Out securityGroupName: Contract: $.string() Default: null Workflow: initialize: Body: - $.environment: $.find(std:Environment).require() - $.agent: new(sys:Agent, host => $) - $.resources: new(sys:Resources) deploy: Body: - $securityGroupName: coalesce( $.securityGroupName, $.environment.securityGroupManager.defaultGroupName ) - $.createDefaultInstanceSecurityGroupRules($securityGroupName) - If: $.networks.useEnvironmentNetwork Then: $.joinNet($.environment.defaultNetworks.environment, $securityGroupName) - If: $.networks.useFlatNetwork Then: $.joinNet($.environment.defaultNetworks.flat, $securityGroupName) - $.networks.customNetworks.select($this.joinNet($, $securityGroupName)) - $userData: $.prepareUserData() - $template: Resources: $.name: Type: 'AWS::EC2::Instance' Properties: InstanceType: $.flavor ImageId: $.image UserData: $userData KeyName: $.keyname Outputs: format('{0}-PublicIp', $.name): Value: - Fn::GetAtt: [$.name, PublicIp] - $.environment.stack.updateTemplate($template) - $.environment.stack.push() - $outputs: $.environment.stack.output() - $.ipAddresses: $outputs.get(format('{0}-PublicIp', $this.name)) - $.floatingIpAddress: $outputs.get(format('{0}-FloatingIPaddress', $this.name)) - $.environment.instanceNotifier.trackApplication($this) joinNet: Arguments: - net: Contract: $.class(Network) - securityGroupName: Contract: $.string() Body: - If: $net != null Then: - If: $.assignFloatingIp and (not bool($.getAttr(fipAssigned))) Then: - $assignFip: true - $.setAttr(fipAssigned, true) Else: - $assignFip: false - $net.addHostToNetwork($, $assignFip, $securityGroupName) destroy: Body: - $template: $.environment.stack.current() - $patchBlock: op: remove path: format('/Resources/{0}', $.name) - $template: patch($template, $patchBlock) - $.environment.stack.setTemplate($template) - $.environment.stack.push() - $.environment.instanceNotifier.untrackApplication($this) createDefaultInstanceSecurityGroupRules: Arguments: - groupName: Contract: $.string().notNull() Body: - If: !yaql "'w' in toLower($.image)" Then: - $rules: - ToPort: 3389 IpProtocol: tcp FromPort: 3389 External: true Else: - $rules: - ToPort: 22 IpProtocol: tcp FromPort: 22 External: true - $.environment.securityGroupManager.addGroupIngress( rules => $rules, groupName => $groupName) getDefaultSecurityRules: prepareUserData: Body: - If: !yaql "'w' in toLower($.image)" Then: - $configFile: $.resources.string('Agent-v1.template') - $initScript: $.resources.string('windows-init.ps1') Else: - $configFile: $.resources.string('Agent-v2.template') - $initScript: $.resources.string('linux-init.sh') - $configReplacements: "%RABBITMQ_HOST%": config(rabbitmq, host) "%RABBITMQ_PORT%": config(rabbitmq, port) "%RABBITMQ_USER%": config(rabbitmq, login) "%RABBITMQ_PASSWORD%": config(rabbitmq, password) "%RABBITMQ_VHOST%": config(rabbitmq, virtual_host) "%RABBITMQ_SSL%": str(config(rabbitmq, ssl)).toLower() "%RABBITMQ_INPUT_QUEUE%": $.agent.queueName() "%RESULT_QUEUE%": $.environment.agentListener.queueName() - $scriptReplacements: "%AGENT_CONFIG_BASE64%": base64encode($configFile.replace($configReplacements)) "%INTERNAL_HOSTNAME%": $.name "%MURANO_SERVER_ADDRESS%": coalesce(config(file_server), config(rabbitmq, host)) "%CA_ROOT_CERT_BASE64%": "" - Return: $initScript.replace($scriptReplacements) .. _Instance_resources: Instance class uses the following resources: - *Agent-v2.template* - Python Murano Agent template (This agent is unified and lately, Windows Agent will be included into it) - *linux-init.sh* - Python Murano Agent initialization script, which sets up an agent with valid information, containing in updated agent template. - *Agent-v1.template* - Windows Murano Agent template - *windows-init.sh* - Windows Murano Agent initialization script .. _Network: Class: Network ============== Base abstract class for all MuranoPL classes, representing networks. .. code-block:: yaml Namespaces: =: io.murano.resources Name: Network Workflow: addHostToNetwork: Arguments: - instance: Contract: $.class(Instance).notNull() - assignFloatingIp: Contract: $.bool().notNull() Default: false - securityGroupName: Contract: $.string() Default: null .. _NewNetwork: Class: NewNetwork ================= Defining network type, using in Neutron. - *name* - network name - *autoUplink* - defines auto uplink network parameter; optional, turned on by default - *autogenerateSubnet* - defines auto subnet generation; optional, turned on by default - *subnetCidr* - CIDR, defining network subnet, optional - *dnsNameserver* - DNS server name, optional - *useDefaultDns* - defines ether set default DNS or not, optional, turned on by default .. code-block:: yaml Namespaces: =: io.murano.lib.networks.neutron res: io.murano.resources std: io.murano sys: io.murano.system Name: NewNetwork Extends: res:Network Properties: name: Contract: $.string().notNull() externalRouterId: Contract: $.string() Usage: InOut autoUplink: Contract: $.bool().notNull() Default: true autogenerateSubnet: Contract: $.bool().notNull() Default: true subnetCidr: Contract: $.string() Usage: InOut dnsNameserver: Contract: $.string() Usage: InOut useDefaultDns: Contract: $.bool().notNull() Default: true Workflow: initialize: Body: - $.environment: $.find(std:Environment).require() - $.netExplorer: new(sys:NetworkExplorer) deploy: Body: - $.ensureNetworkConfigured() - $.environment.instanceNotifier.untrackApplication($this) addHostToNetwork: Arguments: - instance: Contract: $.class(res:Instance).notNull() - assignFloatingIp: Contract: $.bool().notNull() Default: false - securityGroupName: Contract: $.string() Default: null Body: - $.ensureNetworkConfigured() - $portname: $instance.name + '-port-to-' + $.id() - $template: Resources: $portname: Type: 'OS::Neutron::Port' Properties: network_id: {Ref: $.net_res_name} fixed_ips: [{subnet_id: {Ref: $.subnet_res_name}}] security_groups: - Ref: $securityGroupName $instance.name: Properties: NetworkInterfaces: - Ref: $portname - $.environment.stack.updateTemplate($template) - If: $assignFloatingIp Then: - $extNetId: $.netExplorer.getExternalNetworkIdForRouter($.externalRouterId) - If: $extNetId != null Then: - $fip_name: $instance.name + '-FloatingIP-' + $.id() - $template: Resources: $fip_name: Type: 'OS::Neutron::FloatingIP' Properties: floating_network_id: $extNetId $instance.name + '-FloatingIpAssoc-' + $.id(): Type: 'OS::Neutron::FloatingIPAssociation' Properties: floatingip_id: Ref: $fip_name port_id: Ref: $portname Outputs: $instance.name + '-FloatingIPaddress': Value: Fn::GetAtt: - $fip_name - floating_ip_address Description: Floating IP assigned - $.environment.stack.updateTemplate($template) ensureNetworkConfigured: Body: - If: !yaql "not bool($.getAttr(networkConfigured))" Then: - If: $.useDefaultDns and (not bool($.dnsNameserver)) Then: - $.dnsNameserver: $.netExplorer.getDefaultDns() - $.net_res_name: $.name + '-net-' + $.id() - $.subnet_res_name: $.name + '-subnet-' + $.id() - $.createNetwork() - If: $.autoUplink and (not bool($.externalRouterId)) Then: - $.externalRouterId: $.netExplorer.getDefaultRouter() - If: $.autogenerateSubnet and (not bool($.subnetCidr)) Then: - $.subnetCidr: $.netExplorer.getAvailableCidr($.externalRouterId, $.id()) - $.createSubnet() - If: !yaql "bool($.externalRouterId)" Then: - $.createRouterInterface() - $.environment.stack.push() - $.setAttr(networkConfigured, true) createNetwork: Body: - $template: Resources: $.net_res_name: Type: 'OS::Neutron::Net' Properties: name: $.name - $.environment.stack.updateTemplate($template) createSubnet: Body: - $template: Resources: $.subnet_res_name: Type: 'OS::Neutron::Subnet' Properties: network_id: {Ref: $.net_res_name} ip_version: 4 dns_nameservers: [$.dnsNameserver] cidr: $.subnetCidr - $.environment.stack.updateTemplate($template) createRouterInterface: Body: - $template: Resources: $.name + '-ri-' + $.id(): Type: 'OS::Neutron::RouterInterface' Properties: router_id: $.externalRouterId subnet_id: {Ref: $.subnet_res_name} - $.environment.stack.updateTemplate($template)