Part 3: Creating a Plone CMS application package ------------------------------------------------ If you've completed "Hello, World" scenarios in the previous parts and are ready for some serious tasks, we've got a good example here. Let's automate the deployment of some real application. We've chosen a "Plone CMS" for this purpose. Plone is a simple, but powerful and flexible Content Management System which can efficiently run on cloud. Its deployment scenario can be very simple for demo cases and can become really complicated for production-grade usage. So it's a good playground: in this part we'll create a Murano application to address the simplest scenario, then we will gradually add more features of production-grade deployments. .. note:: To learn more about Plone, its features, capabilities and deployment scenarios you may visit the `Official website of Plone Foundation `_. The goal ~~~~~~~~ Simplest deployment of Plone CMS requires a single server, or, in the case of OpenStack, a Virtual Machine, to run on. Then a software should be downloaded and configured to run on that server. So, as a bare minimum our Plone application package for Murano should automate the following steps: #. Provision a virtual machine in OpenStack (VM); #. Configure ths VM's network connectivity and security; #. Download a distribution of Plone from Internet to the virtual machine; #. Install the distribution and configure some of its parameters with user input. Preparation ~~~~~~~~~~~ First let's revisit what we've learned in previous parts and create a new application package with its manifest and create a class file to contain the logic of your app. Create a new directory for a package, call it ``PloneApp``. Create a ``manifest.yaml`` file as described in part 1 of this tutorial in the root of the package and fill it with data: name your package ``com.yourdomain.Plone``, set its type to ``Application``, give it a display name of "Plone CMS" and put your name as the author of the package: .. code-block:: yaml :linenos: FullName: com.yourdomain.Plone Name: Plone CMS Description: Simple Plone Deployment Type: Application Author: John Doe Then create a ``Classes`` sub directory inside your package directory and create a ``plone.yaml`` there. This will be your application class. At the top of this file declare a `Namespace` section: this will simplify the code and save time on typing long class names. Make your namespace (``com.yourdomain``) a default namespace of the file, also include the standard namespace for Murano applications - ``io.murano``, alias it as ``std``. Don't forget to include the ``Name`` of your class. Since you've declared a default namespace for a file you can name your class without a need to type its long part, just using the shortname. Also include the ``Extends`` section: same as in our "Hello, World" example this application will inherit the ``io.murano.Application`` class, but since we've aliased this namespace as well, it may be shortened to ``std:Application`` By now your class file should look like this: .. code-block:: yaml Namespaces: =: com.yourdomain std: io.murano Name: Plone Extends: std:Application We'll add the actual logic in the next section. Now, save the file and include it into the ``Classes`` section of your manifest.yaml, which should now look like this: .. code-block:: yaml :linenos: :emphasize-lines: 6-7 FullName: com.yourdomain.Plone Name: Plone CMS Description: Simple Plone Deployment Type: Application Author: John Doe Classes: com.yourdomain.Plone: plone.yaml You are all set and ready to go. Let's add the actual deployment logic. Library classes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Murano comes bundled with a so-called "Murano Core Library" - a Murano Package containing the classes to automate different scenarios of interaction with other entities such as OpenStack services or virtual machines. They follow object-oriented design: for example, there is a Murano class called ``Instance`` which represents an OpenStack virtual machine: if you create an object of this class and execute a method called ``deploy`` for it Murano will do all the needed system calls to OpenStack Services to orchestrate the provisioning of a virtual machine and its networking configuration. Then this object will contain information about the state and configuration of the VM, such as its hostname, ip addresses etc. After the VM is provisioned you can use its object to send the configuration scripts to the VM to install and configure software for your application. Other OpenStack resources such as Volumes, Networks, Ports, Routers etc also have their corresponding classes in the core library. Provisioning a VM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When creating your application package you can `compose` your application out of the components of core library. For example for an application which should run on a VM you can define an input property called ``instance`` and restrict the value type of this property to the aforementioned ``Instance`` class with a contract. Let's do that in the ``plone.yaml`` class file you've created. First, add a new namespace alias to your ``Namespaces`` section: shorten ``io.murano.resources`` as ``res``. This namespace of the core library contains all the resource classes, including the ``io.murano.resources.Instance`` which we need to define the virtual machine: .. code-block:: yaml :emphasize-lines: 4 Namespaces: =: com.yourdomain std: io.murano res: io.murano.resources Now, let's add an input property to your class: .. code-block:: yaml :linenos: Properties: instance: Usage: In Contract: $.class(res:Instance) Notice the contract at line 4: it limits the values of this property to the objects of class ``io.murano.resources.Instance`` or its subclasses. This defines that your application needs a virtual machine. Now let's ensure that it is provisioned - or provision it otherwise. Add a ``deploy`` method to your application class and call instance's deploy method from it: .. code-block:: yaml :linenos: Methods: deploy: Body: - $this.instance.deploy() That's very simple: you just access the ``instance`` property of your current object and run a method ``deploy`` for it. The core library defines this method of the ``Instance`` class in an `idempotent` manner: you may call it as many times as you want: the first call will actually provision the virtual machine in the cloud, while all the subsequent calls will no nothing, thus you may always call this method to ensure that the VM was properly provisioned. It's important since we define it as an input property: theoretically a user can pass an already-provisioned VM object as input, but you need to be sure. Always calling the ``deploy`` method is the best practice to follow. Running a command on the VM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Once the VM has been provisioned you may execute various kinds of software configuration scenarios on it to install and configure the actual application on the VM. Murano supports different types of software configuration tools to be run on a VM, but the simplest and the most common type is just a shell script. To run a shell script on a virtual machine you may use a `static method` ``runCommand`` of class ``io.murano.configuration.Linux``. Since this method is static you do not need to create any objects of its class: you can just do something like: .. code-block:: yaml - type('io.murano.configuration.Linux').runCommand($server.agent, 'sudo apt-get update') or, if we declare another namespace prefix .. code-block:: yaml Namespaces: ... conf: io.murano.configuration this may be shortened to .. code-block:: yaml - conf:Linux.runCommand($server.agent, 'sudo apt-get update') In this case ``$server`` should be a variable containing an object of ``io.murano.resources.Instance`` class, everything you pass as a second argument (``apt get update`` in the example above) is the shell command to be executed on a VM. You may pass not just a single line, but a multi-line text: it will be treated as a shell script. .. note:: The shell scripts and commands you send to a VM are executed by a special software component running on the VM - a `murano agent`. For the most popular distributions of Linux (Debian, Ubuntu, Centos, Fedora, etc.) it automatically gets installed on the VM once it is provisioned, but for other distribution and non-Linux OSes it has to be manually pre-installed in the image. See :ref:`Building Murano Image ` for details. Loading a script from a resource file ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Passing strings as a second argument of a ``runCommand`` method is convenient for short commands like the ``apt-get update`` shown in an example above. However for larger scripts it is not that useful. Instead it is preferable to load a script text from a file and run it. You can do that in Murano. For example, let's make a script which downloads, unpacks, installs and configures Plone CMS on our VM. First, create a directory called ``Resources`` inside your package directory. Then, create a file named ```` and put the following script there: .. code-block:: shell #!/bin/bash #input parameters PL_PATH="$1" PL_PASS="$2" PL_PORT="$3" # Write log. Redirect stdout & stderr into log file: exec &> /var/log/runPloneDeploy.log # echo "Update all packages." sudo apt-get update # Install the operating system software and libraries needed to run Plone: sudo apt-get -y install python-setuptools python-dev build-essential libssl-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libbz2-dev libjpeg62-dev # Install optional system packages for the handling of PDF and Office files. Can be omitted: sudo apt-get -y install libreadline-dev wv poppler-utils # Download the latest Plone unified installer: wget --no-check-certificate # Unzip the latest Plone unified installer: tar -xvf Plone-5.0.4-UnifiedInstaller.tgz cd Plone-5.0.4-UnifiedInstaller # Set the port that Plone will listen to on available network interfaces. Editing "http-address" param in buildout.cfg file: sed -i "s/^http-address = [0-9]*$/http-address = ${PL_PORT}/" buildout_templates/buildout.cfg # Run the Plone installer in standalone mode ./ --password="${PL_PASS}" --target="${PL_PATH}" standalone # Start Plone cd "${PL_PATH}/zinstance" bin/plonectl start .. note:: As you can see, this script uses apt to install the prerequisite software packages, so it expects a Debian-compatible Linux distro as the VM operating system. This particular script was tested on Ubuntu 14.04. Other distros may have a different set of preinstalled software and thus require different additional prerequisites. The comments in the script give the needed explanation: the script installs all the prerequisites, downloads a targz archive with a distribution of Plone, unpacks it, edits the ``buildout.cfg`` file to specify the port Plone will listen at, then runs the installation script which is included in the distribution. When that script is finished, the Plone daemon is started. Save the file as ``Resources/``. Now you may load its contents into a string variable in your class file. To do that, you need to use another static method: a ``string()`` method of a ``io.murano.system.Resources`` class: .. code-block:: yaml - $script: type('io.murano.system.Resources').string('') or, with the introduction of another namespace prefix .. code-block:: yaml - $script: sys:Resources.string('') But before sending this script to a VM, it needs to be parametrized: as you can see in the script snippet above, it declares three variables which are used to set the installation path in the VM's filesystem, a default administrator's password and a listening port. In the script these values are initialized with stubs ``$1``, ``$2`` and ``$3``, now we need to replace these stubs with the actual user input. To do that our class needs to define the appropriate input properties and then do string replacement. First, let's define the appropriate input properties in the ``Properties`` block of the class, right after the ``instance`` property: .. code-block:: yaml :linenos: :emphasize-lines: 6-18 Properties: instance: Usage: In Contract: $.class(res:Instance) installationPath: Usage: In Contract: $.string().notNull() Default: '/opt/plone' defaultPassword: Usage: In Contract: $.string().notNull() listeningPort: Usage: In Contract: $.int().notNull() Default: 8080 Now, let's replace the stub values in that script value we've loaded into the ``$script`` variable. This may be done using a ``replace`` function: .. code-block:: yaml - $script: $script.replace({"$1" => $this.installationPath, "$2" => $this.defaultPassword, "$3" => $this.listeningPort}) Finally, the resulting ``$script`` variable may be passed as a second argument of a ``runCommand`` method, while the first one should be the ``instance`` property, containing our VM-object: .. code-block:: yaml - conf:Linux.runCommand($this.instance.agent, $script) Configuring OpenStack Security ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ By now we've got code which provisions a VM and a script which deploys and configures Plone on it. However, in most OpenStack clouds this is not enough: usually all incoming traffic to all the VMs is blocked by default, so we need to configure security group of OpenStack to allow the incoming http calls to our VM on the port our Plone server listens at. To do that we need to use a ``securityGroupManager`` property of the ``Environment`` class which owns our application. That property contains an object of type ``io.murano.system.SecurityGroupManager``, which defines a ``addGroupIngress`` method. This method allows us to add a security group rule to allow incoming traffic of some type through a specific port within a port range. It accepts a list of YAML objects, each having four keys: ``FromPort`` and ``ToPort`` to define the boundaries of the port range, ``IpProtocol`` to define the type of the protocol and ``External`` boolean flag to indicate if the incoming traffic should be be allowed to originate from outside of the environment (if this flag is false, the traffic will be accepted only from the VMs deployed by the application in the same Murano environment). Let's do this in code: .. code-block:: yaml :linenos: - $environment: $this.find(std:Environment) - $manager: $environment.securityGroupManager - $rules: - FromPort: $this.listeningPort ToPort: $this.listeningPort IpProtocol: tcp External: true - $manager.addGroupIngress($rules) - $environment.stack.push() It's quite straightforward, just notice the last line. It is required, because current implementation of ``SecurityGroupManager`` relies on Heat underneath - it modifies the `Heat Stack` associated with our environment, but does not apply the changes to the actual cloud. To apply them the stack needs to be `pushed`, i.e. submitted to Heat Orchestration service. The last line does exactly that. Notifying end-user on Plone location ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When the deployment is completed and our instance of Plone server starts listening on a provisioned virtual machine, the end user has one last question to solve: to find out where it is. Of course, the user may use OpenStack Dashboard to list all the provisioned VMs, find the one which has just been created and look for its IP address. But that's inconvenient. It would be much better if Murano notified the end-user on where to find Plone once it is ready. We may utilize the same approach we used in the previous parts to say "Hello, World" - call a ``report`` method of ``reporter`` attribute of the ``Environment`` class. The tricky part is getting the IP address. Class ``io.murano.resources.Instance`` has an `output property` called ``ipAddresses``. Unlike input properties the output ones are not provided by users but are set by objects themselves while their methods are executed. The ``ipAddresses`` is assigned during the execution of ``deploy`` method of the VM. The value is the list of ip addresses assigned to different interfaces of the machine. Also, if the ``assignFloatingIp`` input property is set to ``true``, another output property will be set during the execution of ``deploy`` - a ``floatingIpAddress`` will contain the floating ip attached to the VM. Let's use this knowledge and build a proper report message: .. code-block:: yaml :linenos: - $message: 'Plone is up and running at ' - If: $this.instance.assignFloatingIp Then: - $message: $message + $this.instance.floatingIpAddress Else: - $message: $message + $this.instance.ipAddresses.first() - $message: $message + ":" + str($this.listeningPort) - $$this, $message) Note the usage of ``If`` expression: it is similar to other programming languages, just uses YAML keys to define the "if" and "else" blocks. This code creates a string variable called ``$message``, initializes it with the beginning of the message string, then appends either a floating ip address of the VM (if it's set) or the first of the regular ips otherwise. Then it appends a listening port after a colon character - and reports the resulting message to the user. Completing the Plone class ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We've got all the pieces to deploy our Plone application, now let's combine them together. Our final class file should look like this: .. code-block:: yaml Namespaces: =: com.yourdomain std: io.murano res: io.murano.resources sys: io.murano.system Name: Plone Extends: std:Application Properties: instance: Usage: In Contract: $.class(res:Instance) installationPath: Usage: In Contract: $.string().notNull() Default: '/opt/plone' defaultPassword: Usage: In Contract: $.string().notNull() listeningPort: Usage: In Contract: $.int().notNull() Default: 8080 Methods: deploy: Body: - $this.instance.deploy() - $script: sys:Resources.string('') - $script: $script.replace({ "$1" => $this.installationPath, "$2" => $this.defaultPassword, "$3" => $this.listeningPort }) - type('io.murano.configuration.Linux').runCommand($this.instance.agent, $script) - $environment: $this.find(std:Environment) - $manager: $environment.securityGroupManager - $rules: - FromPort: $this.listeningPort ToPort: $this.listeningPort IpProtocol: tcp External: true - $manager.addGroupIngress($rules) - $environment.stack.push() - $formatString: 'Plone is up and running at {0}:{1}' - If: $this.instance.assignFloatingIp Then: - $address: $this.instance.floatingIpAddress Else: - $address: $this.instance.ipAddresses.first() - $message: format($formatString, $address, $this.listeningPort) - $$this, $message) That's all, our class is ready. Providing a UI definition ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Last but not least, we need to add a UI definition file to define a template for the user input and create wizard steps. This time both are a bit more complicated than they were for the "Hello, World" app. First, let's create the wizard steps. It's better to decompose the UI into two steps: the first one will define the properties of a Virtual Machine, and the second one the configuration properties of the Plone application itself. .. code-block:: yaml :linenos: Forms: - instanceConfiguration: fields: - name: hostname type: string required: true - name: image type: image imageType: linux - name: flavor type: flavor - name: assignFloatingIp type: boolean - ploneConfiguration: fields: - name: installationPath type: string - name: defaultPassword type: password required: true - name: listeningPort type: integer This is familiar to what we had on the previous step, however there are several new types of fields: while the types ``integer`` and ``boolean`` are quite obvious - they will render a numeric up-and-down textbox and checkbox controls respectively - other field types are more specific. Field of type ``image`` will render a drop-down list allowing you to choose an image for your VM, and the list of images will contain only the ones having appropriate metadata associated (the type of metadata is defined by the ``imageType`` attribute: this particular example requires it to be tagged as "Generic Linux"). Field of type ``flavor`` will render a drop-down list allowing you to choose a flavor for your VM among the ones registered in Nova. Field of type ``password`` will render a pair of text-boxes in a password input mode (i.e. hiding all the input with '*'-characters). The rendered field will have appropriate validation: it will ensure that the values entered in both fields are identical (thus providing a "repeat password" functionality) and will also enforce password complexity check. This defines the basic UI, but it is not particularly user friendly: when MuranoDashboard renders the wizard it will label appropriate controls with the names of the fields, but they usually don't look informative and pretty. So, to improve the user experience you may add additional attributes to field descriptors here. ``label`` attribute allows you to define a custom label to be rendered next to appropriate control, ``description`` allows you to provide a longer text to be displayed on the form as a description of the control, and, finally, an ``initial`` attribute allows you define the default value to be entered into the control when it is shown to the end-user. Modify the ``Forms`` section to use these attributes: .. code-block:: yaml :linenos: :emphasize-lines: 6-9,14-17,20-23,26-28,33-36,38-39,44-46 Forms: - instanceConfiguration: fields: - name: hostname type: string label: Host Name description: >- Enter a hostname for a virtual machine to be created initial: plone-vm required: true - name: image type: image imageType: linux label: Instance image description: >- Select valid image for the application. Image should already be prepared and registered in glance. - name: flavor type: flavor label: Instance flavor description: >- Select registered in Openstack flavor. Consider that application performance depends on this parameter. - name: assignFloatingIp type: boolean label: Assign Floating IP description: >- Check to assign floating IP automatically - ploneConfiguration: fields: - name: installationPath type: string label: Installation Path initial: '/opt/plone' description: >- Enter the path on the VM filesystem to deploy Plone into - name: defaultPassword label: Admin password description: Default administrator's password type: password required: true - name: listeningPort type: integer label: Listening Port description: Port to listen at initial: 8080 Now, let's add an ``Application`` section to provide templated input for our app: .. code-block:: yaml :linenos: Application: ?: type: com.yourdomain.Plone instance: ?: type: io.murano.resources.LinuxMuranoInstance name: $.instanceConfiguration.hostname image: $.instanceConfiguration.image flavor: $.instanceConfiguration.flavor assignFloatingIp: $.instanceConfiguration.assignFloatingIp installationPath: $.ploneConfiguration.installationPath defaultPassword: $.ploneConfiguration.defaultPassword listeningPort: $.ploneConfiguration.listeningPort Note the ``instance`` part here: since our ``instance`` input property is not a scalar value but rather an object, we are placing another object template inside the appropriate section. Note that the type of this object is not ``io.murano.resources.Instance`` as you could expect based on the property contract, but a more specific class: ``LinuxMuranoInstance`` in the same namespace. Since this class inherits the former, it matches the contract, but it provides a more appropriate implementation than the base one. Let's combine the two snippets together, we'll get the final UI definition of our app: .. code-block:: yaml :linenos: Application: ?: type: com.yourdomain.Plone instance: ?: type: io.murano.resources.LinuxMuranoInstance name: $.instanceConfiguration.hostname image: $.instanceConfiguration.image flavor: $.instanceConfiguration.flavor assignFloatingIp: $.instanceConfiguration.assignFloatingIp installationPath: $.ploneConfiguration.installationPath defaultPassword: $.ploneConfiguration.defaultPassword listeningPort: $.ploneConfiguration.listeningPort Forms: - instanceConfiguration: fields: - name: hostname type: string label: Host Name description: >- Enter a hostname for a virtual machine to be created initial: 'plone-vm' required: true - name: image type: image imageType: linux label: Instance image description: >- Select valid image for the application. Image should already be prepared and registered in glance. - name: flavor type: flavor label: Instance flavor description: >- Select registered in Openstack flavor. Consider that application performance depends on this parameter. - name: assignFloatingIp type: boolean label: Assign Floating IP description: >- Check to assign floating IP automatically - ploneConfiguration: fields: - name: installationPath type: string label: Installation Path initial: '/opt/plone' description: >- Enter the path on the VM filesystem to deploy Plone into - name: defaultPassword label: Admin password description: Default administrator's password type: password required: true - name: listeningPort type: integer label: Listening Port description: Port to listen at initial: 8080 Save this file as a ``ui.yaml`` in a ``UI`` folder of your package. As a final touch add a logo to the package - save the image below to the root directory of your package as ``logo.png``: .. image:: plone-logo.png :width: 100 The package is ready. Zip it and import to Murano catalog. We are ready to try it. Deploying the package ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go to Murano Dashboard, create an environment and add a "Plone CMS" application to it. You'll see the nice wizard with all the field labels and descriptions you've added to the ui definition file: .. image:: plone-simple-step1.png :width: 50% .. image:: plone-simple-step2.png :width: 50% After the app is added to the environment, click the "Deploy this environment" button. The deployment will take about 10 minutes, depending on the speed of the VM's internet connection and the amount of packages to be updated. When it is over, check the "Last operation" column in the environment's list of components near the Plone component. It should contain a message "Plone is up and running at ..." followed by ip address and port: .. image:: plone-ready.png :width: 50% Enter this address to the address bar of your browser. You'll see the default management interface of Plone: .. image:: plone-admin.png :width: 50% If you click a "Create a new Plone site" button you'll be prompted for username and password. Use ``admin`` username and the password which you entered in the Wizard. See `Plone Documentation `_ for details on how to operate Plone. This concludes this part of the course. The application package we created demonstrates the basic capabilities of Murano for the deployments of real-world applications. However, the deployed configuration of Plone is not of production-grade service: it is just a single VM with all-in-one service topology, which is not a scalable or fault-tolerant solution. In the next part we will learn some advanced features which may help to bring more production-grade capabilities to our package.