.. _package_structure: Package structure ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The structure of the Murano application package is predefined. An application could be successfully uploaded to an application catalog. The application package root folder should contain the following: **manifest.yaml** file is an application entry point. .. note:: the filename is fixed, do not use any custom names. **Classes** folder contains MuranoPL class definitions. **Resources** folder contains execution plan templates and the **scripts** folder with all the files required for an application deployment located in it. **UI** folder contains the dynamic UI YAML definitions. **logo.png** file (optional) is an image file associated to your application. .. note:: There are no any special limitations regarding an image filename. Though, if it differs from the default ``logo.png``, specify it in an application manifest file. **images.lst** file (optional) contains a list of images required by an application. Here is the visual representation of the Murano application package structure: .. image:: ../figures/structure.png