.. _cli-ref: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 ========================== Murano command-line client ========================== The ``murano`` client is the command-line interface (CLI) for the Application catalog API and its extensions. For help on a specific ``murano`` command, enter: .. code-block:: console murano help COMMAND murano usage usage: murano \[--version] \[-d] \[-v] \[-k] \[--os-cacert ] \[--cert-file CERT_FILE] \[--key-file KEY_FILE] \[--ca-file CA_FILE] \[--api-timeout API_TIMEOUT] \[--os-username OS_USERNAME] \[--os-password OS_PASSWORD] \[--os-tenant-id OS_TENANT_ID] \[--os-tenant-name OS_TENANT_NAME] \[--os-auth-url OS_AUTH_URL] \[--os-region-name OS_REGION_NAME] \[--os-auth-token OS_AUTH_TOKEN] \[--os-no-client-auth] \[--murano-url MURANO_URL] \[--glance-url GLANCE_URL] \[--murano-api-version MURANO_API_VERSION] \[--os-service-type OS_SERVICE_TYPE] \[--os-endpoint-type OS_ENDPOINT_TYPE] \[--include-password] \[--murano-repo-url MURANO_REPO_URL] ... Subcommands =========== * *bundle-import* Import a bundle. * *category-create* Create a category. * *category-delete* Delete a category. * *category-list* List all available categories. * *category-show * *deployment-list* List deployments for an environment. * *env-template-add-app* Add application to the environment template. * *env-template-create* Create an environment template. * *env-template-del-app* Delete application to the environment template. * *env-template-delete* Delete an environment template. * *env-template-list* List the environments templates. * *env-template-show* Display environment template details. * *env-template-update* Update an environment template. * *environment-create* Create an environment. * *environment-delete* Delete an environment. * *environment-list* List the environments. * *environment-rename* Rename an environment. * *environment-show* Display environment details. * *package-create* Create an application package. * *package-delete* Delete a package. * *package-download* Download a package to a filename or stdout. * *package-import* Import a package. * *package-list* List available packages. * *package-show* Display details for a package. * *service-show* * *bash-completion* Prints all of the commands and options to stdout. * *help* Display help about this program or one of its subcommands. Murano optional arguments ========================= **--version** show program's version number and exit **-d, --debug** Defaults to env[MURANOCLIENT_DEBUG] **-v, --verbose** Print more verbose output **-k, --insecure** Explicitly allow muranoclient to perform "insecure" SSL (https) requests. The server's certificate willnot be verified against any certificate authorities. This option should be used with caution. **--os-cacert ** Specify a CA bundle file to use in verifying a TLS (https) server certificate. Defaults to env[OS_CACERT] **--cert-file CERT_FILE** Path of certificate file to use in SSL connection. This file can optionally be prepended with the private key. **--key-file KEY_FILE** Path of client key to use in SSL connection. This option is not necessary if your key is prepended to your cert file. **--ca-file CA_FILE** Path of CA SSL certificate(s) used to verify the remote server certificate. Without this option glance looks for the default system CA certificates. **--api-timeout API_TIMEOUT Number of seconds to wait for an API response, defaults to system socket timeout **--os-username OS_USERNAME** Defaults to env[OS_USERNAME] **--os-password OS_PASSWORD** Defaults to env[OS_PASSWORD] **--os-tenant-id OS_TENANT_ID** Defaults to env[OS_TENANT_ID] **--os-tenant-name OS_TENANT_NAME** Defaults to env[OS_TENANT_NAME] **--os-auth-url OS_AUTH_URL** Defaults to env[OS_AUTH_URL] **--os-region-name OS_REGION_NAME** Defaults to env[OS_REGION_NAME] **--os-auth-token OS_AUTH_TOKEN** Defaults to env[OS_AUTH_TOKEN] **--os-no-client-auth** Do not contact keystone for a token. Defaults to env[OS_NO_CLIENT_AUTH]. **--murano-url MURANO_URL** Defaults to env[MURANO_URL]** **--glance-url GLANCE_URL** Defaults to env[GLANCE_URL] **--murano-api-version MURANO_API_VERSION** Defaults to env[MURANO_API_VERSION] or 1 **--os-service-type OS_SERVICE_TYPE** Defaults to env[OS_SERVICE_TYPE] **--os-endpoint-type OS_ENDPOINT_TYPE** Defaults to env[OS_ENDPOINT_TYPE] **--include-password** Send os-username and os-password to murano. **--murano-repo-url MURANO_REPO_URL** Defaults to env[MURANO_REPO_URL] or `http://storage.apps.openstack.org_ ` Application catalog API v1 commands =================================== murano bundle-import -------------------- .. code-block::console usage: murano bundle-import \[--is-public] \[--exists-action {a,s,u}] \[ ...] Import a bundle. ``FILE`` can be either a path to a zip file, URL or name from repo. if ``FILE`` is a local file does not attempt to parse requirements and treat Names of packages in a bundle as file names, relative to location of bundle file. Positional arguments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **** Bundle URL, bundle name, or path to the bundle file Optional arguments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **--is-public** Make packages available to users from other tenants **--exists-action {a,s,u}** Default action when a package already exists murano category-create ---------------------- .. code-block::console usage: murano category-create Create a category. Positional arguments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **** Category name murano category-delete ---------------------- .. code-block::console usage: murano category-delete \[ ...] Delete a category. Positional arguments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **** ID of a category(s) to delete murano category-list -------------------- .. code-block::console usage: murano category-list List all available categories. murano category-show -------------------- .. code-block::console usage: murano category-show Positional arguments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **** ID of a category(s) to show murano deployment-list ---------------------- .. code-block::console usage: murano deployment-list List deployments for an environment. Positional arguments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **** Environment ID for which to list deployments murano env-template-add-app --------------------------- .. code-block::console usage: murano env-template-add-app Add application to the environment template. Positional arguments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **** Environment template name **** Path to the template. murano env-template-create -------------------------- .. code-block::console usage: murano env-template-create Create an environment template. Positional arguments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **** Environment template name murano env-template-del-app .. code-block::console usage: murano env-template-del-app Delete application to the environment template. Positional arguments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **** Environment template ID **** Application ID murano env-template-delete -------------------------- .. code-block::console usage: murano env-template-delete \[ ...] Delete an environment template. Positional arguments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **** ID of environment(s) template to delete murano env-template-list ------------------------ .. code-block::console usage: murano env-template-list List the environments templates. murano env-template-show ------------------------ .. code-block::console usage: murano env-template-show Display environment template details. Positional arguments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **** Environment template ID murano env-template-update -------------------------- .. code-block::console usage: murano env-template-update Update an environment template. Positional arguments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **** Environment template ID **** Environment template name murano environment-create ------------------------- .. code-block::console usage: murano environment-create Create an environment. Positional arguments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **** Environment name murano environment-delete ------------------------- .. code-block::console usage: murano environment-delete \[ ...] Delete an environment. Positional arguments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **** ID or name of environment(s) to delete Optional arguments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **--abandon** If set will abandon environment without deleting any of its resources murano environment-list ----------------------- .. code-block::console usage: murano environment-list List the environments. murano environment-rename ------------------------- .. code-block::console usage: murano environment-rename Rename an environment. Positional arguments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **** Environment ID or name **** A name to which the environment will be renamed murano environment-show ----------------------- .. code-block::console usage: murano environment-show Display environment details. Positional arguments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **** Environment ID or name murano package-create --------------------- .. code-block::console usage: murano package-create \[-t ] \[-c ] \[-r ] \[-n ] \[-f ] \[-a ] \[--tags \[ \[ ...]]] \[-d ] \[-o ] \[-u ] \[--type TYPE] \[-l ] Create an application package. Optional arguments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **-t , --template ** Path to the Heat template to import as an Application Definition **-c , --classes-dir ** Path to the directory containing application classes **-r , --resources-dir ** Path to the directory containing application resources **-n , --name ** Display name of the Application in Catalog **-f , --full-name ** Fully-qualified name of the Application in Catalog **-a , --author ** Name of the publisher **--tags \[ \[ ...]]** A list of keywords connected to the application **-d , --description ** Detailed description for the Application in Catalog **-o , --output ** The name of the output file archive to save locally **-u , --ui ** Dynamic UI form definition **--type TYPE** Package type. Possible values: Application or Library **-l , --logo ** Path to the package logo murano package-delete =================== .. code-block::console usage: murano package-delete \[ ...] Delete a package. Positional arguments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **** Package ID to delete murano package-download ----------------------- .. code-block::console usage: murano package-download \[file] Download a package to a filename or stdout. Positional arguments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **** Package ID to download **file** Filename for download (defaults to stdout) murano package-import ===================== .. code-block::console usage: murano package-import \[-c \[ \[ ...]]] \[--is-public] \[--package-version VERSION] \[--exists-action {a,s,u}] \[ ...] Import a package. ``FILE`` can be either a path to a zip file, URL or a FQPN. ``categories`` can be separated by a comma. Positional arguments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **** URL of the murano zip package, FQPN, or path to zip package Optional arguments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **-c \[ \[ ...]], --categories \[ \[ ...]]** Category list to attach **--is-public** Make the package available for user from other tenants **--package-version VERSION** Version of the package to use from repository (ignored when importing with multiple packages) **--exists-action {a,s,u}** Default action when package already exists murano package-list ------------------- .. code-block::console usage: murano package-list \[--include-disabled] List available packages. Optional arguments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **--include-disabled** murano package-show =================== .. code-block::console usage: murano package-show Display details for a package. Positional arguments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **** Package ID to show murano service-show ------------------- .. code-block::console usage: murano service-show \[-p ] Positional arguments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **** Environment ID to show applications from Optional arguments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **-p , --path ** Level of detalization to show. Leave empty to browse all services in the environment